09177101398 [email protected]


Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ

1. What are the products of Bestfriend Goodies?

The products of Bestfriend Goodies are pastillas de leche, cookies, cheese sticks, and butterscotch. You can browse through the product page here: PRODUCTS

2. Where is Bestfriend Goodies located?

Bestfriend Goodies is located in Cagayan de Oro. It does not have a distinct physical store but you can find its products at different local stores and upon ordering through this website. For a list of their distributors, check this Bestfriend Goodies Outlets

4. How long does the product of Bestfriend Goodies last?

All our products contain an expiration date. Normally, when ordering through the website, we ship our products to have at most 2 months expiry date from shipment.

5. Are you operating legally?

Bestfriend Goodies is registered with the government agencies. Check here.

6. Where can I contact Bestfriend Goodies?

You can reach us through our clicking the: Contact Us page by sending your form along with your email address.

7. How do I make an order?

You can make an order by navigating through the products page by adding a particular product to your cart. After adding the products you want to purchase, proceed click View Cart and review your products. After finalizing your order, click the Proceed to Check Out. Fill up the necessary details being asked.

9. What if I received a damaged or wrong or missing order?

We always make sure to ship out the correct orders and that you receive them in proper condition. Since our products are perishable over time, we don’t have a return policy. We may consider  a replacement. We need proper documentation for verification purposes. You can read more about our policy here.

10. What if I want to add or remove a product on my order?

If you have not proceeded in placing your your order, you can still edit the items that are in your cart. However, if you already proceeded to place your order after checking out, your order is final. Read more about it here How to Order.

11. How do I cancel my order?

Once you have placed your order, your order is final. Read more about it here How to Order.

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